Check for page source

  • Check for any variable in script which is blacnk, most probably they are filled with URL parameters, so try those in query parameters.
  • if some parameter is like "trackingid", and if it doesn't work, try other permutations of it like id, tid, tracking_id
  • Use different user-agents like of iphone/android and see if there is any other parameter appear in the source code, use that in query parameter to check for XSS or injection.

Check robots.txt page

Got a login Page ??

  • Try admin,admin or other default passwords.
  • if it works and you are logged in, try to access other pages like mentioned in robots.txt

Try html tags in signup form:
like : <h2>test

If they filter tags(<>), then try <h2, try only < to check if this is filtered

Check pagesource in settings page

if they are hiding some button using comment, uncomment, and capture the request by sending the request.

  • Try removing tokens, and check if they are vaidating tokens on server side.

When you login, usually after successfull login website redirected you to some page like home page, check if you can change this redirect.

  • Check for page source for any JS, see if there is any redirect url code in it.

Try to capture login request and add redirect_url parameter.

Add to the query statement of login.php page, like ?r_url=1&url=https://

Check in github for the website for any keys

try query parameters like key, apiKey, apiSecret example: /?apiKey=123&apiSecret=2323

Just Try Things, if something you see in page source, thing about it, question yourself and try it.