USing Assetfinder to get subdomains
# assetfinder --subs-only > domains
Know which are running webservers, it checks which are having http and https server listening
# cat domains | httpprobe | tee hosts /* Use "tee -a" to append */
Using meg
# meg -d 1000 -c 10 /
Above command will make an output direcotry called "out" and inside it, it will make individual directory for each subdomain. Each subdomain directory will contain a file for both http and https request.
You also get a index.html file which will show the path with response code, so you can easily grep for 200 status code and get accepted urls.
# grep -Hnri uber internal * | vim -
you can save this result in a file ":w results"
Running commands in the vim
:%!sort -u (% means current file, ! to run shell command)
:%grep -v Content-Secu
awk - text processing command
:%!awk -F';' ;{print $3}' /* -F = Field Separator, '{print $X}' = print X field */
Ctrl+v/right click to put vim in visual mode and then you can use arrow keys to do vertical/horizontal selection and then hit 'X' to delete them
Shift+a to go to the end of the line and delete a single item and then press dot(.) and vim will repeat the last thing(instruction)
:/.$ (\ -> don't treat as an expression, $= End of the line)
Search and replace
:%s/// (// -> it search for whatever you last searched for)
xargs takes multiple lines of input and runs a command on every line of it.
:%!xargs -n1 -I{} sh -c 'echo {} | base64 -d' (n1 -> give 1 input at a time, -I{} is a placeholder of input, sh -c -> to pass the command to shell )
html-tool from tomnomnom
# find . -type f | html-tool attribs src (this will give all of the src attributes from all of the files)
# find . -type f | html-tool tags title | vim - ( give the title tag from all of the files)
:tabnew | read !grep -HNR 'self' (grep for whatever under the cursor and then open the result in a new buffer in a new tab so it shows up at a few places then ctrl+w+g+shift+f and this will take me straight to the line where that title exists.
gf urls | grep | vi - (finds every url)
unfurl from tomnomnom (its a great tool to make wordlist using keys and values for fuzzing)
:%!unfurl -u paths (gives the uniques paths from all the urls)
:%!unfurl -u keys (to get query strings)
param miner extension - finds hidden parameters, above will be a good wordlist