- vi tom_tools
- put some tools inside the above file
cat tom_tools| xargs -n1 -I{} go get github.com/tomnomnom/{}
echo$? -- for checking the last command return value
Using Assetfinder
# assetfinder --subs-only sports.yahoo.com | tee -a domain
#cat domain | httprobe -c 50 | tee -a hosts
# meg -v / /in same direcotory as hosts file/
cd out/
grep -Hnri aws_
grep -Hnri secret
find . type f | html-tool tags title
find . type f | html-tool attribs src
vimprev script
VIMENV=prev vim $@
#vi ~/.vimrc
if $VIMENV == 'talk' set background=light let g:solarized_termcolors=256 colo solarized noremap \<Space> :n\<CR> noremap \<Backspace> :N\<CR> else " Trans background hi Normal ctermbg=none hi NonText ctermg=none endif
if $VIMENV == 'prev' noremap \<Space> :n\<CR> noremap \<Backspace> :N\<CR> set noswapfile endif
Using above vimprev script
vimprev $(find . -type f)
Now I can use "space" to move to next file and backspace to move to prev one.
- We often see many pages return "200 OK" but really they are not.
# grep -Hnri '200 Ok' | grep -v ^index
# grep -lru '200 OK' | grep -v ^index | xargs -n1 ls -la
# grep -lru '200 OK' | grep -v ^index | xargs -n1 ls -la | sort -k5,5
Now above output will sort according to length so you can check for interesting length which
# find . -type f -exec cat {} \; | sort --version-sort -u | wc
# find . -type f -exec cat {} \; | sort --version-sort -u | vim -
Using tok
Break stream of inputs into words.
# find . -type f -exec cat {} \; | tok | vim -
:%!sort -u --version-sort
to sort them unique
-> then you can grep any interesting word in the host folder to check easily where it belongs and check further from here.
Deal with a very large file
- Sort the file first in vim %!sort -u --version-sort
cat urls | urlinteresting | vim -
To check for subdomain takeover
# cat domains | while read domain; do host -t CNAME $domain; done | grep -i azure