tmux runs as a process and not tied to a session, so if you make a tmux session it will not die when your ssh connection get closed, so you cna reconnect easily to earlier session without losing anything

Create New tmux session

# tmux new -s \<name>


# tmux new -s HTB

Prefix key

Ctrl + b === Prefix key

To create a new window

(prefixKey) c

(prefixKey)0 or (prefixKey)1 to switch to different sessions

tmux config

#vi ~/.tmux.conf

#Remap prefix to screens set -g prefix C-a bind C-a send-prefix unbind C-b

#Quality of life stuff set -g history-limit 10000 set -g aloow-rename off

## Join Windows bind-key j commnad-prompt -p "join pane from:" "join-pane -s '%%'" bind-key s commnad-prompt -p "send pane to:" "join-pane -t '%%'"

# Search Mode VI (default is emac) set-window-option -g mode-keys vi

run-shell /opt/tmux-logging/logging.tmux

To Attach to a Session

#tmux ls

# tmux attach -t \<session_name>

To Detach from a Session


Rename a session


Send window to a pane


Move to Copy Mode


now you can use page up and page down to move around

Hit \<space> to enter into copy mode, select text, hit \<enter> to copy into the vim buffer

Now open vim

(prefixKey)] -- and it paste

TO Save logs

(prefixKey) + Alt+Shift+P

Veritcal split


Horizontal Split


To move around in windows


Zoom in to any windows

(prefixKey)z --- Do this again to zoom out

TO resize a window

(prefixKey) + \<Arrows> --- hold ctrl in this case

(prefixKey){ -- to move the window to other layout

(prefixKey)} -- move the window to other layout

(prefixKey)\<space> -- to change the layout