XSS Filter

  • Are the basic " ' \< > allowed? what if you try in different combinations ?

  • Is "on[]=" filtered or jut the common 'onerror', 'oncommon' filtered? try other such as onload, onhover
    --> put onxx= --- if this passes, that mean they are whitelisting few terms ->> remove = and try, sometimes dev people check for any statemement and they stop all statements.

  • How do they handle unicode, double encoding, unusual encoding ?

Note: *When you find a XSS filter bypass, it's usually common throughout because developers copy the same code through out application.


  1. if -> \<img%20src="x" onerror="alert(0)"> encoded properly by developer try this:


  2. try sscriptrscriptiscriptpscripttscript if the developer is blocking script tag

  3. the use of \/\/ will bypass the filter check for "//", and the use of \n will bypass their check for .com, .co.uk etc.