Give some space to this XSS Filter
Check the page source, read the JS code, understand it how it is working, how it is filtering the payload.
try different payloads with tag on URI with fragment(#)
On check for "space" in search box. And choose break space which in UTF8 is %C2%A0
Now try -
Since above work, as checked in page source.
we can try:
Steal teh token!
Use top.postmessage({uname:"test"},*)
This strict URL filter should prevent XSS, right?
solution: data:text/html,\<iframe name="\<svg onload=alert(document.domain)>" src=>
explanation: When using the javascript pseudo scheme, if the returned value is a string, browsers will write it onto the page like document.write. This is why some bookmarklets have a void(0) at the end to prevent the results accidentally return a string.
Another thing to know is the property persists even after navigation, and we can control this value.
So, we can assign with a XSS payload in HTML, then use javascript:name so that it writes the payload onto the page.