Give some space to this XSS Filter

  • Check the page source, read the JS code, understand it how it is working, how it is filtering the payload.

  • try different payloads with tag on URI with fragment(#)

  • On check for "space" in search box. And choose break space which in UTF8 is %C2%A0

Now try -


Since above work, as checked in page source.

we can try:


Steal teh token!

Use top.postmessage({uname:"test"},*)

This strict URL filter should prevent XSS, right?

solution: data:text/html,\<iframe name="\<svg onload=alert(document.domain)>" src=>

explanation: When using the javascript pseudo scheme, if the returned value is a string, browsers will write it onto the page like document.write. This is why some bookmarklets have a void(0) at the end to prevent the results accidentally return a string.

Another thing to know is the property persists even after navigation, and we can control this value.

So, we can assign with a XSS payload in HTML, then use javascript:name so that it writes the payload onto the page.